Name: Westernboy
Born: Netherlands, 29/04/2005
Color: sorrel pinto
Height: 33.75 inch (= 86cm)
Breeding conditions: € 3500,- for EUSAM, AMHA, AMHR,
Westernboy is available for a few outside mares, please contact us for the possibilities.
Breeding fee is inclusive stabling of the mare and if necessary her foal.
Also included guarantee for a live foal and ultra sound scannen for pregnancy.
We are very, very proud to have Westernboy, who is born at our place!
In 2005 we imported the fantastic mare Alliance Tenders All That Jazz from the States to The Netherlands.
This daughter of Love Me Tender (World Champion) was in foal to multiple World Grand Champion and
World Champion Get of Sir First Knights Redi or Not.
That we should have a foal with a lot of potential, that was sure, but that we should get with Westernboy much and
much more we didn't know that…
He not only got the Reserve European Supreme Champion titel; In 2007 we fly over to the States with Westernboy and
our dream came true, on onbelieveble dream.......he was the new : World Grand Champion Amateur Stallions 2007 !!
Westernboys foals are very typical and distinguish theirselves from all other foals by their exotic nice extremely Arabische (dishy) head, their extravagante movement and a lots of showpotential, they got from their father, SHM REDIS WESTERNBOY.
The show results from SHM REDIS WESTERNBOY:
World Grand Champion Junior Stallions 2007
Reserve World Champion two year old stallions 2007
Multiple Grand & Supreme Champion 2005 - 2016
European Grand Champion AMHA 2010
European Supreme Champion AMHA 2010
European Grand Champion AMHR 2011
European Champion Get of Sire AMHA 2012 - 2013
European Champion Get of Sire AMHR 2013
Supreme Champion Country Pleasure Driving 2016
World Champion Get Of Sire 2016
World Champion Country Pleasure Driving Gentlemen 2016
World Champion CP 34 & under 2016
World Champion CP stallions & geldings 2016
World Grand Champion CP Driving 2016
World Supreme Champion Driving 2016
Westernboy is the stallion with the most prestigious titles from all stallions and mares from all over the world !!
If you can find a stallion or mare with more titles similar as he has, we give you a breeding from Westernboy for free !!
also his offspring is a dependability for titles:
SHM Westernboys Cover Girl Multiple Grand & Supreme Champion
SHM Westernboys Dutch Design World Top Three; multiple Grand & Supreme Champion
SHM Westernboys European Idol Multiple Grand ( 18) & Supreme (6) Champions
SHM Westernboys Exotic Queen Multiple Grand & Supreme Champions
SHM Westernboys Femme Fatal Multiple Grand Champion
SHM Westernboys Georgio Armani Multiple Grand Champion
SHM Westernboys Gift From Nature Multiple Grand & Supreme Champions
World Champion EBBO Senior Stallions
World Reserve Champion stallions 32 – 34”
World reserve Grand Champion senior Stallions
8. SHM Westernboys Headliner Multiple Grand Champion
World Champion EBBO & Amateur & Opne
9. SHM Westernboys Indiana Jones Multiple Grand & Supreme Champion
World Champion EBBO & Open
10. BMS Redi Westernboys Diamond Star Multiple Grand & Supreme Champion
11. MVN Westernboys Silverstorm Multiple Grand Champion
World Champion yearling stallions
World Grand Champion yearling stallions